Monthly Archives: January 2010


“this is what people from Boston have been calling the ipod for years”hahahah
watch it here

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iPad-The Hype

I wasn’t even going to post this video, cause the entire world is talking about it, BUT it is a significant innovation in technology and will inevitably have an effect on the consumer electronic market forever.

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If Your Down With Wu

This is “Wu” my roommate, in this case I’m down with both. Peace   DL the mix tape below…………..

Download Here


Visuals to Songs I’ve Heard Before

It makes them better, kinda like being an active participant in the story instead of being a bystander or the one it being told to.

KiD CuDi “cudderisback” – Directed by Jason Goldwatch – from DP on Vimeo.

CURREN$Y – BREAKFAST from Creative Control on Vimeo.

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I’d like to introduce you guys to some new abbreviations, or abreeves for short, that are common in my crew and should be up in yours.  So catch this; it’s “A .F” (or “As Fuck” for long)… it’s actually a variable similar to “x”.  Like  “x”, which is usually accompanied by a number, “A.F”  is accompanied by the first letter of the adjective you want to say. You’re probably wondering how this is even useful, but it’s cool because your homies can usually pick up the word with only one letter because it’s situational. For example, if you’re carrying something heavy and say “Yo boys this shit if H.A.F” (Heavy As Fuck) homie should probably catch the drift.

Quote Du Jour

Feel this everyday when you wake up, it’s taken from A Sunrise on the Veld, a short story by Doris Lessing.
“There was nothing he couldn’t do, nothing! A vision came to him, as he stood there, like when a child hears the word ‘eternity’ and tries to understand it, and time takes possession of the mind. He felt his life ahead of him as a great wonderful thing, something that was his; and he said aloud, with the blood rising to his head: all the great men of the world have been as I am now, and there is nothing I can’t do; there is no country in the world I cannot make part of myself, if I choose. I contain the world. I can make of it what I want.  If I choose, I can change everything that is going to happen: it depends on me, and what i decide now”

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Well-Pressed Society

Clean cut to the gut!


photojournalist, natural light photographer offering portrait, lifestyle, family and wedding photography.

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By: Matt Boston